The Flock

A regenerative leadership journey.

Empower you to create a life-affirming economy through regenerative practices, fostering a world where you, your business, and your communities thrive sustainably for the benefit of all life.

Why now?

The Flock tackles critical environmental, climate, and social challenges through a unified, regenerative leadership approach. 

By recognizing the link between issues like biodiversity, climate change, consumerism, and waste, we aim to develop leaders capable of driving positive change and guiding us toward sustainable economies.

The Flock aims to develop leaders who can navigate this complex terrain, championing positive change toward sustainable, life-affirming economies. Highlighting personal transformation and collective action's power, it prepares leaders to face global challenges with unity and resilience, ensuring we rise and thrive together.

Why The Flock?

The Flock leadership program is inspired by how birds in a flock conserve energy and evade predators through unity and coordination. This metaphor highlights the power of collective action and shared vision in creating sustainable solutions, emphasizing our interconnectedness and collective strength in regenerating the planet.

Who is it for?

  • Intrapreneurs

  • Founders

  • Solopreneurs

  • Freelancers

  • NGOs

  • If you wish to organize a private Flock within your organization, get in touch.

Overview of the learning journey

Week 1:

Going back in time, exploring the past

We examine the shift from humans' close connection with nature to a growing disconnect, highlighting the impact of the Agricultural Revolution and climate changes on our environmental relationship.

Week 2:

The foundation of regenerative leadership

This module focuses on ecological and social regeneration, offering alternatives to traditional capitalism. We explore nature-inspired practices, the circular economy, and strategies for businesses to prioritize both profit and stewardship of environmental and social health.

Week 3:


Emphasizing self-awareness and mindfulness, this module introduces ways to balance emotional, spiritual, physical, and rational intelligences, based on Jung's four intelligences.

Week 4:

Regenerative culture

We discuss creating a culture of renewal, with leadership fostering empathy, empowerment, and transparency. Practical steps for incorporating regenerative values into organizational practices are outlined, aiming for ecological and social equity.

Week 5:

Systems thinking

This module teaches a holistic view of complex issues, focusing on system dynamics, feedback loops, and leverage points. It includes exercises for applying systems thinking to create sustainable, regenerative business solutions.

Week 6:

Regenerative economics and business models

Exploring sustainable and regenerative economic strategies and business practices, this module covers how to build businesses that positively impact ecosystems and communities, with case studies and discussions on applying regenerative principles effectively.

As you join The Flock, remember that our approach is...

Emergent, not programmatic: We customize our journey to fit your needs, adapting like a flock to the wind's changes, attentive to the group's dynamics.

Conversational, not too presentational: Like birds communicating, we foster open dialogue, ensuring every voice contributes to our collaborative atmosphere.

A creative space and a curriculum: Think of our path as a canvas for your ideas, a place for innovation and exploration rather than a fixed route.

Atilt, not direct: Our guidance is subtle, like a bird's flight adjustments, promoting lateral thinking and creativity in problem-solving.

Embodied, not detached: We encourage a deep, tangible connection with the learning experience, akin to birds sensing air currents.

Fostering relationships, not extractive encounters: We focus on cultivating enduring connections creating a community that lasts beyond our immediate journey.

Learning outcomes

Balancing growth with ecological harmony

Learn to balance growth with nature, adopting strategies to avoid overexploitation and ensuring practices reflect the self-regulating nature of a healthy ecosystem.

Innovation inspired by the Flock's flight

Embrace the creative power of limitations to drive sustainable innovation, much like a flock navigating through air currents and weather.

Harnessing varied perspectives for creativity

Harness a variety of viewpoints for greater creativity and resilience, inspired by the strength found in a flock's diversity.

Forging strong links for systemic change

Build critical connections that enhance collective action, mirroring how each bird's awareness contributes to the flock’s overall success.

The Flock learning approach

  • Emergent Learning: Our program adapts dynamically to participants' needs, mirroring a flock’s agility to changing winds, ensuring responsive and aware collective progress.

  • Collaborative Dialogue: We prioritize two-way conversations over lectures, ensuring every voice enriches our collaborative learning environment.

  • Creative Exploration: Our method merges creativity with structure, viewing learning as an innovative canvas, enhanced by purposeful thinking and immersive experiences.

  • Deep Embodiment: We encourage participants to fully integrate their learnings, creating a visceral connection to the content, similar to birds feeling the air currents.

A word from your guide

Creating The Flock was a professional shift and a significant personal transformation.

Watching how birds in a flock coordinate made me think about my interactions in social groups and how I could better sync up with others while staying true to myself.

For years, I struggled in the high-pressure environment of a creative agency, which led to stress, burnout, and a mismatch between what I valued and what was expected of me. This disconnect pushed me to reconnect with myself and to shift toward Sustainability.

Facing initial skepticism, I pursued studies at MIT, where I married my creative instincts with analytical thinking. Here, I recognized the importance of a connected, holistic approach.

The Flock represents this journey. It's a project that aims to merge different perspectives—analytical and creative, masculine and feminine, internal and external—to tackle issues sustainably.

This initiative reflects my evolution from feeling trapped to embracing the complexities of real change.


  • Steph Matthews

    The Flock is a beautiful movement for the next generation of conscious, regenerative leaders. The whole experience has been awesome, and far exceeded my expectations.

     Fanny is a gifted and generous facilitator and an intuitive guide. Wearing her expertise and wisdom lightly, she creates and holds a learning space like no other. Her approach is creative, emergent, soulful, and participatory – a refreshing change compared to more formal, programmatic leadership courses. Strangers at the outset, our group very quickly found a natural flow together. Despite the serious business and leadership expertise in the room, there was never any grandstanding or posturing – the quality of listening was sky-high. Everyone felt safe to open up and share their personal stories and challenges. By the end, we had become a beautifully aligned, cohesive group of people, flying side-by-side towards a positive future, albeit with our unique motivations and paths to follow. I attribute these results to Fanny’s masterful facilitation, the quality of the stimulus materials she offers, and the calibre of people she is attracting to her community. I think calling the programme ‘The Flock’ is spot on – this is not just a course, it’s a movement. Join in and prepare to fly!

  • Wardah Malik

    Wardah Malik, CEO BEWorks

    The combination of meditation, deep discussion, and poetic exploration opened my eyes to new ways of thinking about leadership in the context of the climate crisis. The somatic exercises were particularly impactful, allowing me to connect with the material on a deeper, more physical level. This workshop has given me valuable tools and perspectives that I'm excited to apply in my professional life.

  • Rachel Malka Barr - Climate Change and Circular Economist. Founder & CEO of Climate Tech Propel.

    A more holistic development approach is vital. It sharpens focus, enhances decision-making, and deepens our connection to humans and environmental responsibilities. It's more than personal growth; it's a strategic imperative for organizations tackling today's environmental challenges. A mentally resilient, spiritually aligned workforce is critical to making a meaningful impact in the climate sphere.

  • Daniel Truran, Director General at ebbf, ethical business building the future

    We keep being told as leaders, that we need to stop, think, reflect, and reconnect. Easier said than done in today's need for constant action. That is exactly why my experience of the "inner development pause", especially in the bustle of a COP with 100,000 participants, was a very special one. Showing the way and opening new deep insights and connections in a uniquely useful and generative way.

Our next Flocks

Starlings’ murmuration consists of a flock moving in sync with one another, engaging in clear, consistent communication and exhibiting collective leadership and deep, deep trust. Every individual bird focuses attention on their seven closest neighbors and thus manage a larger flock cohesiveness and synchronicity (and times upwards of over a million birds).

Sierra Pickett, quoted in Emergent Strategy, p 67


  • The Flock is a transformative online and hybrid leadership program designed to empower participants with the skills and insights needed to drive sustainable and regenerative changes in their organizations and communities. It combines emergent learning, collaborative dialogue, creative exploration, deep embodiment, and relationship-building to foster a new generation of leaders.

  • The program is ideal for entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, solopreneurs, freelancers, NGO leaders, team managers, and organizational leaders who are passionate about incorporating sustainability and regeneration into their personal and professional lives. It's designed for those ready to challenge the status quo and lead with innovation and resilience.

  • The Flock runs sessions once a week on Thursdays from noon to 1:30 pm ET, offering a mix of live collaborative sessions, engaging assignments, and personal reflection activities. The program emphasizes real-world application, with case studies, discussions, and practical exercises woven throughout the curriculum.

  • Unlike traditional leadership programs, The Flock focuses on regenerative principles, aiming to bridge the gap between sustainability theory and practical application. The program stands out for its emergent learning approach, prioritizing adaptability and responsive teaching methods to meet the unique needs and insights of the flock.